Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 4: Playscripts: Nobody Got Wet | TheBookSeekers

Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 4: Playscripts: Nobody Got Wet


Key stage: Key Stage 1
National Curriculum: 1C

No. of pages 16

Published: 1997

Great for age 4-10 years

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This title includes a lively set of playscript adaptations of selected stories from Stage 4 "Trunk Stories" and "More Stories Pack A" (featuring Wilf and Wilma). They will be used for consolidation and practice at Stage 4 and above. Each play has a cast of four characters and no more than four lines of text per page. The artwork from the original stories is completely redrawn to show similar scenes to the original story books.


This book features in the following series: Oxford Reading Tree, Playscripts, Treetops .

This book is suitable for Key Stage 1. KS1 covers school years 1 and 2, and ages 5-7 years. A key stage is any of the fixed stages into which the national curriculum is divided, each having its own prescribed course of study. At the end of each stage, pupils are required to complete standard assessment tasks. This book is at level 1c of the National Curriculum. The National Curriculum sets out the programmes of study and attainment targets for all subjects at all 4 key stages. Each National Curriculum level is divided into sub-levels, where Level C means that a child is working at the lower end of the level, Level B they is working comfortably at that level, and Level A means that they is working at the top end of the level. The Government has suggested a child should achieve the following levels by the end of each school year: (i) Level 1b by end Year 1, Level 2a-c by end Year 2, Level 2a-3b by end Year 3, Level 3 by the end Year 4, Level 3b-4c by the end Year 5, Level 4 by the end Year 6. This book is part of a reading scheme, meaning that it is a book aimed at children who are learning to read.

There are 16 pages in this book. This is a play book. This book was published 1997 by Oxford University Press .

Roderick Hunt started out as a teacher, but began writing for children in 1970. He collaborated with Alex Brychta on a series of children books for the Oxford Reading Tree which had an animated spin-off, The Magic Key series. Roderick and Alex won the prestigious Outstanding Achievement Award at the Education Resources Awards 2009. Now he says, "On my income tax form I put down my profession as storyteller. It never fails to raise an eyebrow. " He lives in London.

This book is in the following series:

Oxford Reading Tree

All Stars Fiction are chapter books aimed at gifted and talented infants. Designed to be age appropriate, they include stories by top authors such as Geraldine McCaughrean, Margaret McAllister and Alan MacDonald, and have been created to motivate and challenge able infants. The books fall into book band colours gold, white, lime.


Often individual series are part of a bigger set. The sub-series this book is in forms part of the following wider set:

Oxford Reading Tree

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