No. of pages 336
Published: 2014
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Katie Berger-Jones-Burg is a lonely New York teenager. It's Christmas, and with her pop-star mother away on a whirlwind tour, all is not well with Katie. She is having visions. She remembers...
Katie is needed in another time. In 1860 it's Christmas too. Princess Alice is helping her father Prince Albert with his endless stream of work while the rest of the family - including Queen Victoria - are enjoying the wonderful snow. But the merry royal family are under a shadow. There is a plot - both political and supernatural - to bring down the Queen.
A Britain without its Queen is weak, and where Britain stumbles, the rest of the world falls...
This book is part of a book series called Chronicles Of the Tempus .
There are 336 pages in this book. This book was published 2014 by Atlantic Books .
K. A. S. Quinn was born and raised in California and studied History and English at Vassar College. For ten years she was the publisher of the Spectator. She has written for The Times, Telegraph, Independent and Wall Street Journal, as well as appearing on Any Questions, A Good Read, Famous Lives and Broadcasting House for the BBC. She lives in London and has two small boys. She still reads children's books in bed, after lights out, with a torch.
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Katie Berger Jones Burg
This book features the character Katie Berger Jones Burg.