Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 4: More Fireflies: Pack A: Hello! | TheBookSeekers

Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 4: More Fireflies: Pack A: Hello!


No. of pages 16

Published: 2006

Great for age 6-11 years

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"More Fireflies" is a further series of 30 new non-fiction titles for reading stages 1+ to 5, for children in Reception and Year 1 (aged 4 to 6 years). Written by a team of experienced authors, these titles include a variety of current topics covering all areas of the curriculum, from science to citizenship. The texts provide examples of all the required text ranges including reports, explanations, instructional texts, recounts and biography. The striking designs for the individual books have the same eye-catching quality of the original "Fireflies" series, and are illustrated with excellent photographs that provide early readers with clear visual cues to the words and meaning of the text. The reading level of the text for each stage matches the Book Band levels, providing plenty of practice in reading the prescribed high-frequency vocabulary and the context words related to the topic. Stage 4/Book Band level 4 yellow Age range: Reception 5 yr-5 yr 6m; Stage 4 [16 pages] range cross-curricular links. Links to other ORT fiction and poetry titles are as follows: "Big Cats" - Report Science; 3 A Cat in the Tree; 3 Pip at the Zoo, "Animal Feet" - Report Science; 1+ Big Feet; 4 Mr Fox's Socks; 1-2 Animal Poems, "Fruit Salad" - Instruction; Citizenship; 1+ shopping; 3 Strawberry Jam; 5 Sandwich the Jack Made; 5-6 Food Poems, "How to Make a Puppet" - Theatre Instruction; Art and Des; 3 Kipper the Clown; 4 The Play; 5 Kipper and the Trolls, "Hello!" - Report ICT, Citizenship; 7 the Motorway; Family Poems, and "Ballet" - Report Music, citizenship; 4 The Dragon Dance; 4 The Wedding; and 3-4 Movement Poems.


This book features in the following series: Fireflies, Oxford Reading Tree .

. This book is part of a reading scheme, meaning that it is a book aimed at children who are learning to read.

There are 16 pages in this book. This book was published 2006 by Oxford University Press .

This book is in the following series:

Oxford Reading Tree

Fireflies non-fiction is a set of titles with links to the wider curriculum. Covering a variety of topics for children to enjoy, the series also provides readers with strong links to other subjects. The books offer the range of book band colours red through to lime, and are aimed at ages 5-7 years.

Often individual series are part of a bigger set. The sub-series this book is in forms part of the following wider set:

Oxford Reading Tree

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