Oxford Reading Tree: Y6/P7: TreeTops Comprehension: CD-ROM: Single User Licence | TheBookSeekers

Oxford Reading Tree: Y6/P7: TreeTops Comprehension: CD-ROM: Single User Licence

Oxford Reading Tree


No. of pages 12

Published: 2008


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TreeTops Comprehension provides CD-ROMs, Pupils' Books and Teacher's Guides, one for each year group from Year 3/P4-Year 6/7. The CD-ROMs and Pupil Books offer a range of text extracts - fiction, non-fiction and poetry, from familiar TreeTops books and other titles, with the Pupil Books providing a further 20 extracts linked to the CD-ROM text types. The whole package provides an ideal way to teach comprehension strategies to your juniors. The CD-ROMs are designed for shared sessions to support your teaching of the 5 key comprehension strategies: questioning, clarifying, predicting, imagining, summarising. They allow you to listen to the text as well as annotate it on an Interactive Whiteboard.


This book is part of a book series called Oxford Reading Tree .

. This book is part of a reading scheme, meaning that it is a book aimed at children who are learning to read.

There are 12 pages in this book. This book was published 2008 by Oxford University Press .

Catherine Baker has been an editor and writer of teachers' and pupils' literacy materials for over 25 years. Recently she has contributed to the Pearson REVISE Key Stage 2 SATs series for English. Ruth Miskin has been developing literacy materials for twenty years, to make sure every child gets the chance to read and write. She currently runs training programmes for primary schools across England. Janey Pursglove is a former teacher of English and an experienced national and overseas trainer for the Read Write Inc. programmes. She is the author of lively, age-appropriate fiction and non-fiction texts used in the Read Write Inc. Fresh Start Anthologies. Charlotte Raby is a primary teacher specialising in Literacy. She is the author of teaching materials as well as fiction and non-fiction for many leading reading schemes. She is passionate about helping children become accomplished readers and writers and enjoys using mixed media and software to create stimulating and exciting teaching resources.

This book is in the following series:

Oxford Reading Tree

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