In this start to an all-new series, Samantha begins writing her school pape...More
In this newsworthy addition to a tween-savvy series, Samantha learns the po...More
A middle-school star reporter has a tough time taking a stance on a story w...More
Samantha struggles to follow her own advice when writing a column for the s...More
Samantha writes a review of her sister's play for the school newspaper-but ...More
When the newspaper staff goes digital, they learn the hard way that backup ...More
Sam needs some serious advice when a new staff member competes for newspape...More
Sam and Michael realize just how much their words matter when they tackle a...More
It's election time at Cherry Valley Middle School, and Sam thinks she's got...More
When Sam's crush gives her a confidential lead, she has to decide whether i...More
Sam's stress level is at an all-time high, and it's affecting the quality o...More
Sam's love of newsprint clashes with her love for the planet-and her BFF-in...More