Barbie returns to feature in 5 exciting new tales as "Willow, Guardian of t...More
Barbie is Krista, a new character in the "Story Library" series. Krista tra...More
Enter the worlds of the Enchanted Forest, Magic Meadow, Cloud Kingdom, Fair...More
Begin a new adventure with Barbie in her very own story library. Enter the ...More
Accompanied by a variety of colourful friends, this series will continue to...More
No Journey to the Stars Read a customer review or write one ....More
When the Woodcutter Giant refuses to remove his dam from the forest spring,...More
When Leah is captured by goblins, a plucky mouse comes to her rescue....More
The Northern Lights have been snuffed out, and Aurora must restore them....More
Marina discovers that strange, spider-like creatures are destroying the ree...More
Princess Amelia discovers a magical bridge but is forbidden from crossing b...More
Willow has to save her friends when her forest is transformed into silver....More
Aurora enlists the help of the Sun King to tame some mischievous storm furi...More
Marina befriends a baby whale but has to save him from a group of pirates....More
Amelia discovers a tempting cinnamon cottage owned by a wily gingerbread wi...More