This series introduces the first concepts that surround the physical scienc...More
This text uses activities to address both the Key Stages 1 and 2 Programmes...More
Key topics are explained through an original combination of science, histor...More
'Light and Dark' is part of the 'Ways into Science' series, aimed at Key St...More
A first science series that introduces young readers to basic science princ...More
Ways into Science: Keeping Healthy looks at what we can do to keep our bod...More
Find out all about the science in the world around us with Moving Up with S...More
Straight Forward with Science: Forces and Movement looks at what the differ...More
Backed up by detailed images, photographs and diagrams, the books in this s...More
Describes how electricity is generated, harnessed, and used, and explains t...More
Science is at work all around us in our everyday lives. Explains just how e...More
Including Did you know....? facts, this series reinforces the concept that ...More
An overview of sound, describing what it is and how it is formed and used a...More
Describes what magnetism and magnetic fields are, how they work, and variou...More
An overview of light, describing how it is formed and used and discussing p...More
An overview of what energy is and how it is generated and used, describing ...More
An overview of what forces are and how they affect the way we live, describ...More
This science series is based on the questions children often ask about the ...More
Through a mixture of specially commissioned photographs, full colour diagra...More
In Your Body, Your Senses readers can find out all about the parts that ma...More