"Scary Creatures" is an entertaining series investigating the more grisly a...More
"Scary Creatures"" is an entertaining new series investigating the more gri...More
Scary Creatures is an entertaining series investigating the more grisly asp...More
Why do cities attract scary creatures? Are we a threat to these creatures, ...More
Investigates the more grisly aspects of natural history. This book takes a ...More
Helps you find out about the scary creatures living beneath our feet, from ...More
Why are creatures of the deep scary? Why is the deep so dark? Why do sea cr...More
Plagues of locusts. Armies of armyworms. From the beluga whale right down t...More
Terrifying river horses? Protective mothers? Enemies of ancient Egypt? How ...More
Fearsome predators? Deep-sea divers? Hunted to extinction? Find out just wh...More
From single-cell nasties to dog-bothering fleas, some of these creatures ar...More
Get ready for a prehistoric adventure! Our first stop is ancient Skara Bra...More