The influence of the Roman Empire has been widespread and profound, perhaps...More
"Great Empires of the Past" narrates the stories of the most important empi...More
Despite only existing for two centuries, the Aztec managed to found their c...More
For almost 1,200 years, the Persians ruled a territory that stretched from ...More
Though the Incas left no written records of their great civilization, the a...More
A great civilization that grew up around the Nile River, ancient Egypt had ...More
While Europe was in the Dark Ages, classical learning from ancient Greece, ...More
From the age of 20 until his death at 32, Alexander the Great and his armie...More
Under the leadership of Chinggis Khan and his descendants in the 13th centu...More
Beginning about 1200 CE, the Mali, Songhay, and Ghana empires spread their ...More
The classical Greek civilization is the cornerstone of Western civilization...More
Long before European boats reached the shores of the Americas, sophisticate...More
Mesopotamia, the land between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers, was the ...More