Hilarious series of wacky stories from a US boarding school where naughty p...More
Read about the riotous misadventures of the most horrible students a boardi...More
Bernie Bridges Rules the School!He convinced the cafeteria lady that a Milk...More
Sherman Oaks Is A Rat.Sherman is so spoiled and rich that he threw away his...More
April-May June Loves Bernie Bridges . . . she just doesn't know it yet.She'...More
Joe Sweety is the worst kind of bully -- big, mean, and always ready to use...More
Is Mrs. Heinie Gone Forever?Mrs. Heinie is so nearsighted, she can't find h...More
Hilarious new series of wacky stories from a US boarding school where naugh...More
Bernie Bridges has always dreamed about going to PPPthe exclusive Preppy Pr...More
The most popular dude in school?It has to be Bernie Bridges. Just ask him!B...More
Why are the Rotten School kids screaming in terror?Maybe it's because every...More
Bernie Bridges is the luckiest kid at Rotten School. He wins every game he ...More
Buffalo wings of steel!Just how stupid is Stupid Chicken? Bernie Bridges th...More