This series is a multi-leveled series introducing non-fiction to junior rea...More
Lucy is the example of how everyone must loo k for the video. Fizzy does tr...More
The story of an elderly dog whose comfortable life is turned upside down by...More
Despite his best efforts to become invisable, Eric is chosen to sing a solo...More
This series introduces a range of non-fiction subjects using a straightforw...More
Rabbit's watch says ten past eight. So why is it still dark? There can only...More
Count Dracula's castle is derelict, so he and Boris head to London to star ...More
Damian Drooth, the one-of-a-kind detective hero, is back. Criminals beware!...More
That most unlikely of pirates, the greedy, selfish Captain Pugwash is at th...More
A funny and sweet addition to the Corgi Pups list. Emma and Sam both own ve...More
Henry Pond is a toad who is also a poet. His gift is an uncommon one, his p...More
Who'd believe that Ginger and Tiddles could become friends! Yes, the kitten...More
Just when the pupils at St Felix School are starting to relax, Tiddles, th...More
Ginger has always been such a happy kitten, and popular too! He loves schoo...More
Dave Brown thinks up a clever plan so that he can see the England squad tra...More
It's Addy's first day at school, but she has decided to behave so badly tha...More