Learn about the Holocaust, a genocide of devastating proportions, perpetrat...More
'Questioning History' is a series of children's books that explore major hi...More
Part of a six book series that investigates the hidden world of spies, doub...More
Titles in this series help students to develop the skills they need to rese...More
A foldout timeline that illustrates and describes the history of geographic...More
Each page is filled with facts and stats charting the rise and rise of Manc...More
The major conflicts of the 20th and early 21st centuries are presented as a...More
Timelines examines the major conflicts and campaigns of modern history by f...More
A new series detailing major conflicts of the 20th and early 21st centuries...More
'Timelines' details major conflicts of the 20th and early 21st centuries pr...More
This book is part of a series showing how basic elements of civilization ha...More
Part of a series showing how basic elements of our civilization have been d...More