This Puzzle Book Companion was written to get readers thinking about treasu...More
The heartwarming, magical, beautifully illustrated fantasy story inside SEC...More
This middle-grade chapter book unearths the mysteries of the Mawangdui (mah...More
The legend of Blackmore's Treasure is part of the history of Prospect Farm....More
Long Joan Silver has been accidentally eaten by a giant shrimp and the Silv...More
Nick, Katie and Laura are so excited to hear of the missing Greylings Treas...More
Less-proficient readers will take a giant step towards confidence as they r...More
An old fiddler tells a pirate crew of an island bursting with hidden treasu...More
When the bully Bryce Billings bets Fish Finelli that he can't find Captain ...More
Martine is looking forward to the holidays and riding Jemmy, her white gira...More
Join Martine in her fifth African adventure in Lauren St John's bestselling...More