Lewis Carroll tales a tale of a curious little girl called Alice who follow...More
Fantasy series by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell set in the Wyrmeweald, whe...More
The adventures of Goth Girl by Chris Riddell....More
Full of drama and humour, with a charismatic and mysterious action hero, br...More
Daft series by Chris Riddell and Paul Stewart....More
The Quint Trilogy is part of the Edge Chronicles....More
The Rook Trilogy is part of the Edge Chronicles series....More
Thw Twig Trilogy is part of the Edge Chronicles series....More
Introducing Miss Ottoline Brown, an exceptionally inquisitive Mistress of D...More
Barnaby Grimes is a tick-tock lad, high-stacking his way across the rooftop...More
An imaginative series for those interested in magic......More
Shorter stories set in the world from the Edge Chronicles....More