Thirteen precious and magical silver charms have been lost in the kingdom o...More
In the ninth title in the successful Charmseekers series, Sesame and Maddy ...More
A goblet, reputed to be the one stolen from Agapogo is prized by the gribbl...More
When Charm became Queen of Karisma, the Silversmith made her a precious gif...More
In Sesame Brown's quest to find the eighth magical charm - a silver coin - ...More
The Silversmith travels to the Outworld; she is the last portal and has com...More
Ses and Maddy are skating when they tumble into the Ice Country. Zorgan is ...More
Sesame and Maddy are on holiday in Cornwall when they're whisked to Lantern...More
Ses, Maddy , Gemma are being photographed with their favourite girl-band wh...More