Ann Pilling manages to combine fascinating historical detail with mysteriou...More
It is 1953, Coronation year, and Sally finds herself having to stay with he...More
The Pit is a powerful story, encompassing plague-ridden London, ghosts from...More
Why do bears have stumpy tails? Why are rabbits shy? Why do elephants live ...More
Six Year 4 fiction books, from Pocket Reads. Small enough to fit in your po...More
The rugged west coast of Ireland seems like the perfect place for a holiday...More
This Tutor Delivery Pack for AQA GCSE (9-1) Biology Foundation has a curric...More
Everyone was changing at Hoggart's Farm - the old farmer was moving and the...More
Ancient stories from the Bible, along with quotes from the Authorized Versi...More
Exam Board: AQALevel & Subject: GCSE Combined Science: TrilogyFirst teachin...More
From the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation - the Bible's greatest s...More
This ideal introduction to the Bible contain s retellings of almost 100 sto...More
A beautifully written novel with long-lasting friendship at its heart and t...More
A chilling ghost story from award-winning novelist, Ann Pilling. ...More
Joss doesn't always like her little brother Pin, because he's a nuisance an...More
Part of the Pocket Reads collection, a superb range of 120 pocket-sized fic...More
One day Henry brings home an innocent looking leg from a fashion dummy to a...More
Pocket Tales is part of Pocket Reads, a superb collection of quality books ...More
Peter Wrigley is small and thin, so it's not surprising that he's known as ...More