This is the tale of Flint Lockwood, an eccentric young scientist, whose awk...More
Emily Jones has been called back to the magical land of Elvendale - ...More
The brown house at the end of Shaker Street is a bit shady. Everyone who mo...More
When Michael Wilson keeps hearing an unusual sound at night, he calls on hi...More
Ten-year-old Michael Wilson notices that strange things are happening at ol...More
Shaker Street residents are finding holes all over their gardens. Are anima...More
For as long as he can remember, Michael Wilson has enjoyed tinkering with t...More
This retelling of the hilarious monster comedy includes an eight-page inser...More
Don't make the same mistake Emma made. Don't read my book. Signed,The Scare...More
This novelization of the hilarious monster comedy includes an eight-page in...More
After being banished to a mirror prison for overstepping the boundaries of ...More
It's bestie vs. bestie...Suki is assigned to run the student council Valent...More
Read the story based on the hit action film from 20th Century Fox! Collect ...More