The second book in a hilarious and heartfelt series about a group of...More
Following in the tradition of J. K. Rowling and Roald Dahl, Kimmy Schmidt i...More
In this fresh, funny new middle grade series, bestselling YA author Sarah M...More
Rachel and her witchy family are back! And now Rachel has found out she has...More
Fourteen-year-old Rachel Weinstein just can't believe it. Her younger siste...More
I was about to live a sixteen-year-old's dream.House on the beach.No parent...More
"See, I was at the mall and I dropped my phone into the fountain. And I had...More
What's worse than having telepathy in high school?Having telepathy in high ...More
The Upside-Down Magic kids are back in another topsy-turvy adventure in the...More
Nory Horace can turn herself into a kitten. But sometimes she adds in a bit...More
When Willa's upside-down magic rains, it pours. Clouds form under ceilings....More
The second book in a hilarious and heartfelt new series about a group ...More
Throughout the world, there are private academies for student magicians, ...More
A hilarious and heartfelt new series about a group of magical misfits! ...More
Fourteen-year-old Rachel and her witchy family are back. Miri, Rachel's sis...More
Boys, best friends and a summer spent backpacking around Europe... What cou...More
This is the story of how we became freaks. It's how a group of I's became a...More