With Tenderness, the accomplished author of teenage fictions, Robert Cormie...More
Adam's father is in hospital and Adam has set off to visit him. It's a long...More
This exciting and thought-provoking thriller by the well-established Americ...More
Despite its modest length and scarcity of words, Robert Cormier's new novel...More
Cambridge Literature is a series of literary texts edited for study by stud...More
Revenge for a tragedy, a fire twenty-five years ago which killed twenty-two...More
When Francis Cassavant returns to his home town, his face horribly disfigur...More
The head of Trinity College asks Archie Costello, the leader of The Vigils,...More
AFTER THE FIRST DEATH is a brilliantly tense hostage drama, by Robert Cormi...More
A seven-year-old girl is brutally murdered and a twelve-year-old boy named ...More