When Zed finds himself caught up in an innocent prank with his sister which...More
First published in 1990, Midnight Blue marked the arrival of a powerful new...More
Follows the fortunes of Nona, her mother and Nona's younger sister Sharon. ...More
Mad Dog Moonlight is only a young boy when he is picked up by the police on...More
I'm not just writing this for Frankie, I'm doing it for me... Almost eve...More
At the age of eleven, Jack is resigned to his world. So what if he can neve...More
When Vee and her father cross the river Caus into the Valley for the first ...More
When Abren becomes conscious of her surroundings, she is struggling to get ...More
Rose feels as if she's been drifting along in a strange, numb dream ever si...More
All around him, the smell of trees rose from the ground, earthy and dank, j...More
According to Mum, it was only brainless films stars who got married these d...More