Jackie Chan, expert archaeologist, is recruited by a secret government agen...More
Born in Gary, Indiana, on August 29, 1958, Michael Jackson was definitely n...More
Unearth the secrets of the mysterious giant stone statues on this tiny remo...More
Even before it was named, the Bermuda Triangle - roughly bounded by Miami, ...More
When Bailey receives an invitation to his father's high school reunion, he ...More
When suspicion is aroused at the too-perfect performance of the Hipslovian ...More
Born into a close knit family in Chicago, Michelle Robinson was a star stud...More
Born in Warsaw, Poland, on November 7, 1867, Marie Curie was forbidden to a...More
The Age of Dinosaurs began about 250 million years ago. In the beginning th...More
The Galapagos Islands are a chain of volcanic islands located on either sid...More