The devious demon Aku has called together a League of Extraordinary Villain...More
Baldur, Odin's greatest son, is a leader of men - and loved by all. So when...More
Far, far away, on a distant planet called Techworld, a little girl named Sn...More
When a legendary Amazonian shield is stolen, Wonder Woman finds herself hot...More
On a remote island, scientists discover an exotic plant, which they hope wi...More
When a camel refuses to do his share of work, a djinn punishes him by givin...More
DC SUPERHEROES chapter books feature the WORLD'S GREATEST HEROES including ...More
The Super Secret Crisis War spreads into the worlds of Johnny Bravo, The Gr...More
With the help of a nefarious billionaire, the Joker and Harley Quinn hatch ...More
When the forces of evil strike, the World's Greatest Super Heroes unite to ...More
Harley Quinn has the blues. Her best friend, Poison Ivy, has just been nabb...More
Kid's favourite super hero comics turned into easy-to-read chapter books. N...More
DC Super Hero books feature the world's greatest superheroes. These new sto...More