One of a series of teenage romances with fast-moving plots and strong femal...More
Billy, Molly, Stan and Ella pile into the car with Mum and Dad and they're ...More
This book offers a wonderful collection of princess stories with a differen...More
LITTLE MISS NASTY Jeanie Badini is spoiled, selfish and spiteful and it's u...More
THE FIRST CHALLENGE It's assignment time at Angel Academy, and for aspiring...More
Have you seen her? Sabrina! Jump aboard for everyone's favourite witch's am...More
Mo, Colin and Ronnie go undercover to catch a crafty blackmailer at work in...More
The angels are on a mission "down below" to beat three school bullies. Will...More
This is a sensitive series that deals with 'teen issues' by offering sympat...More
Sympathetic advice for painful and difficult `teen issues'. Uses a modern, ...More
When 16 year old Chloe's parents announce they're splitting up it's bad eno...More