A brutally honest, uncompromising story about a teen girl who...More
In New York City, 1897, life has never been more thrilling-or dangerous. Si...More
1897 London, a final showdown is about to begin London's underwo...More
In 1897 London, something not quite human is about to awaken ...More
Wren Noble is dead-she was born that way. Vibrant, unlike other dead things...More
Wren was right about me-I distrusted ghosts. I never tried to hide that fac...More
Finley Jayne knows she's not 'normal'. ...More
In New York City, 1897, life has never been more thrilling-or...More
After surviving a triumph-turned-tragedy in New York City, Jasper is determ...More
Jack Dandy didn't become prince of the London underworld at barely twenty-o...More