Dino-Mike and his best friend, Shannon, discover that the nefarious Mr. Bon...More
Gather round to hear of epic battles and petty feuds between gods told from...More
Dino-Mike and his archaeologist dad are on a dig in China when Mike finds a...More
Odin, father of the Viking gods, shares his favourite tales of his son, Tho...More
Baldur, Odin's greatest son, is a leader of men - and loved by all. So when...More
Austin, eager to prove himself and win a sports trophy like his older broth...More
The death of Odin's beloved son, Baldur, heralds the end of all creation - ...More
The story of an evil Persian king, who marries a new wife each day and then...More
These best-selling sports stories by Jake Maddox are a hit with boys and gi...More
Jackson "Jax" Kingsford is a skilled ice hockey player with a wicked slapsh...More
Nelson Greenwood loves BMX racing, almost as much as he loves to draw super...More
To find the evil Mr. Bones, Mike and Shannon will have to follow the fossil...More
Having been defeated in Australia and Antarctica, Mr. Bones hides out somew...More