While full of exciting adventure, these stories reveal the problems and dis...More
All of the books in the course, from Primary 1 to Primary 7, have been appr...More
Each book has been written by an experienced educationalist in conjunction ...More
All of the books in the course, from Primary 1 to Primary7, have been appro...More
The main features of the course are:Full coverage of the 2002 primary sylla...More
New Way is a series of carefully graded phonic readers, providing a wide re...More
Full punctuation - Now with full punctuation including speech marks, to be ...More
Straightforward progression through eight colour coded levels.Colourful and...More
Now with full punctuation, including speech marks, to be found right throug...More
When Tulio the farmer steps on a landmine, there is no one to see but the S...More