Each book begins with the discovery of a mysterious item at The City Museum...More
Each book begins with the discovery of a mysterious item at the City Museum...More
The world of dinosaurs is described with Timeline, comparison charts, "then...More
Imagine the evolution of planet Earth over the next 200 million years. What...More
Take an extraordinary journey over land, beneath the oceans and across the ...More
Peel back the layers to discover the world of dinosaurs. See an Allosaurus ...More
Agustinia was a giant, four-footed plant eater with strange plates and spik...More
An exciting guide to prehistoric creatures, with 350 fabulous detailed draw...More
Providing fun illustrations and fascinating facts, Dinosaur Explorer provid...More
What was the biggest dinosaur? When were dinosaurs alive? Which dinosaur ha...More
Find out all about dinosaurs - the prehistoric creatures that once inhabite...More
Boyds Mills Press publishes a wide range of high-quality fiction and nonfic...More