The action surrounding the first live-action Transformers movie came alive...More
The Four-Who-Are-One go it alone! The Demon, Starchild, Celestial, and Cat...More
The endless zombie hordes of Infestation are defeated... but now a greater...More
Presenting the adventures of Li'l Demon, Starchild, Catkid, and Spacey... ...More
Complete Infestation! A dimensions-spanning zombie outbreak and The Elder ...More
When Mars attacked Earth, the battle left no side unscarred, least of all a...More
Learn about what makes Optimus Prime the famous leader of the valiant Auto...More
From Cybertron, to Earth, and back again... the quest for the Allspark begi...More
Acclaimed novelist/Eisner-winning graphic novelist Joe Hill collaborated w...More
Sam Kieth and Chris Ryall transport you to a near-future Japan, where burn...More