A story about Georgina and her dragon called Dolores, who is no ordinary dr...More
Eleven-year-old Sam has a problem. Well, quite a few problems. So wh...More
This story is part of the "Livewire" series which provides exciting reading...More
The Hodder Reading Project Level 2-3 identifies blocks to progression and t...More
Stimulating and accessible, the titles in the LIVEWIRE series have been pro...More
To ensure accessibility Hodder & Stoughton has worked with The Basic Skills...More
Barney has three big problems, his school friends make his life a misery, h...More
Adam Gowers has problems. He is desperately in love with a girl who doesn't...More
To ensure accessibility and readability, Hodder & Stoughton have worked wit...More
Collins Big Cat supports every primary child on their reading journey from ...More