This series offers classic and contemporary fiction for schools to suit a r...More
The third title in a dream-weaving, action-packed fantasy series. The Dr...More
The second book of a suspense sequence which began with Worm Songs and is s...More
15-year-old Rowan's world is shattered when her mother is attacked by her b...More
Working on a school history project Michael, Alice, Frankie and David, disc...More
Frankie electrifies the atmosphere between friends David, Alice and Michael...More
The third book of a suspense sequence set in the Northumbrian borderlands. ...More
Fourth title in the dream-weaving, action-packed fantasy series. For the...More
This is the second in a dream-weaving, action-packed fantasy series for you...More
Eleven-year-old Danny has gone missing. Is he dead - or has someone taken h...More
First in a new dream-weaving, action-packed fantasy series. It's time fo...More
When 15-year-old Ruth is uprooted from town life to a close-knit Cornish vi...More
A new play from the winner of the John Whiting Award....More
The second in a new dream-weaving, action-packed fantasy series. The Dre...More