Kit's Surprise: A Christmas Story | TheBookSeekers

Kit's Surprise: A Christmas Story

American Girl-Beforever

Published: 2000

Great for age 8-13 years

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This book is part of a book series called American Girl-Beforever .

This book has been graded for interest at 8-10 years.

This book was published 2000 by American Girl Publishing Inc .

Valerie Tripp is the award-winning author of more than 40 books of historical fiction in the American Girl series. She also writes stories, songs, and poems for The Superkids Reading Program, and is a founder and the Editorial Director of Boys Camp. A frequent speaker at schools, libraries, and scout troops, Tripp graduated magna cum laude from the first co-educated class at Yale University in 1973. In 1981, she received a Masters of Education from Harvard, where she focused on reading education. She resides in Silver Spring, Maryland.

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