Owen Harris: Paranormal Investigator #1, the Ghost Dog of Santa Mina | TheBookSeekers

Owen Harris: Paranormal Investigator #1, the Ghost Dog of Santa Mina

No. of pages 66

Published: 2016


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Some kids play little league. Some kids are in to scouting. Some kids have tea parties. But Owen Harris doesn't have time for stuff like that. He's busy chasing ghosts and monsters and uncovering the truth about the supernatural in his hometown of Santa Mina, California. With the help of his little sister, Carol, and his friends, Los and Kelly, there's nothing too scary (or too weird) for Owen Harris: Paranormal Investigator. In his first adventure, a strange sound in his sister's closet turns out to be a ghost with a secret that Owen has to uncover.


There are 66 pages in this book. This book was published 2016 by Lulu. com .

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