Hill of the Angels | TheBookSeekers

Hill of the Angels

No. of pages 160

Published: 2016

Great for age 12-18 years

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Hill of the Angels is set during the English Civil War. Twelve-year-old Abigail Booth is the daughter of sheep farmers and textile workers; Grace Fowler is the daughter of the parish priest. They become friends and climb together to the Hill of the Angels, a rocky outcrop where, according to local legend, light creates a pattern of angels on the cave wall. Abigail and Grace meet there and bring beautiful gifts for the angels. However everything changes as the English Civil War breaks out and the families of Abigail and Grace find themselves on opposing sides. Separated from each other by warring ideologies and religious sectarianism, will their friendship survive and will they ever meet again at the Hill of Angels?


There are 160 pages in this book. This book was published 2016 by SPCK Publishing .

Sue Mayfield Sue Mayfield has written stories and rhymes for children of all ages and often visits schools to read them. Sue lives in Yorkshire and is married to Tim. They have a dog called Moss. Her previous Banana book was The Four Franks. Rochelle Padua Rochelle Padua is an up-and-coming illustrator who lives in Sydney, Australia.

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