On Woodlands Farm | TheBookSeekers

On Woodlands Farm

Ransom Reading Stars

Published: 2015

Great for age 6-11 years

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Meet Farmer Jack and his dog Spot, on Woodlands Farm. On Woodlands Farm is a low level phonics reading book. Illustrated throughout with beautiful photographs, this 160-word non-fiction story features a fully decodable text, suitable for ages 5 - 7. On Woodlands Farm covers the second set of basic letters and sounds that children meet in Phase 3 of Letters and Sounds, the UK Government's synthetic phonics reading programme. On Woodlands Farm is part of Ransom Reading Stars, a structured reading programme for children learning to read. The series has fifteen levels: four phonics levels (covering Letters and Sounds Phases 2 to 5) and eleven book band levels (Pink through to Lime).


This book features in the following series: Ransom Reading Stars, Reading Stars .

. This book is part of a reading scheme, meaning that it is a book aimed at children who are learning to read.

This book was published 2015 by Ransom Publishing .

Stephen Rickard is a writer and publisher, and has written and developed many award-winning books and software titles.

This book is in the following series:

Brightly illustrated, fun, phonics stories by top authors and illustrators

Reading Stars

Ransom Reading Stars

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