Counting Creatures | TheBookSeekers

Counting Creatures

Published: 2004


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This book was published 2004 by Simon & Schuster .

SOPHIE PELHAM has been a graphic designer since 1992. A graduate of St Martins School of Art, she became a Senior Designer at Frances Lincoln Ltd. Since 2000 she has been working as a freelance designer and paper engineer, and in 2006 she set up Baobab Editorial and Design with Susan Reuben. She is also co-author of the innovative pop-up book Counting Creatures, published by Simon & Schuster both here and in the US. SUSAN REUBEN has been an editor since 1997. A Cambridge University graduate, she was Commissioning Editor at Frances Lincoln, then Senior Publisher at Egmont books before starting Baobab Editorial and Design with Sophie Pelham. She is co-editor of the Ultimate Book Guide series, the first of which won a Blue Peter Book Award. Susan also works as a ghostwriter and copywriter.

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