Watching for Doodlebugs | TheBookSeekers

Watching for Doodlebugs

No. of pages 65

Published: 2012


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It is the summer of 1944. For eight-year-old Jack Donaldson and his friends living to the East of London a new danger has emerged. Doodlebugs have created the extra hazard. Nevertheless the bomb sites created by these rockets provide the excitement of more places that eventually can be explored. There are also the American convoys to be intercepted and perhaps a stick of chewing gum to be gained. However, one Doodlebug brings tragedy to the road where Jack lives. Some houses are destroyed. Others just have doors to be repaired and windows to be replaced. But life goes on; there is school to go to and the possibility of victory on the horizon.


There are 65 pages in this book. This book was published 2012 by Melrose Books .

Author of Running One Thousand Miles (Matador, 2015) and Gallipoli Guns (Matador, 2015), Robin Campbell is a former primary school teacher, head teacher and Professor of Primary Education. During that time he wrote 15 books on literacy development and now writes fiction for children.

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