Jonah and the Great Big Fish | TheBookSeekers

Jonah and the Great Big Fish


No. of pages 32

Published: 2007


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There are 32 pages in this book. This book was published 2007 by Zondervan .

Santiago Cohen is a Mexican-American author and illustrator. With a BA from UAM Mexico and an MS from Pratt Institute, Cohen has worked for many prominent publications and illustrated more than twenty children's books. He has been the recipient of awards from Asifa-East, the Broadcast Designer Association, American Illustration, and the Art Director's Club. He resides in Hoboken, New Jersey. Rhonda Gowler Greene is the author of many award-winning books for children including The Beautiful World That God Made (Eerdmans). Her books have won awards from the Children's Book Council and have been selections of the Scholastic Book Club. A former school teacher, she lives in Michigan, USA, with her husband and their four grown children.

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