How to Sparkle at Word Level Activities | TheBookSeekers

How to Sparkle at Word Level Activities

How to Sparkle

How to Sparkle at Word Level Activities is designed to help children develop phonemic awareness and improve their knowledge of phonics. These tried and tested activities will save you hours of preparation and planning time and will really get your class motivated.


This book is part of a book series called How To Sparkle .

. This reading book uses the phonics method. This approach concentrates on teaching children how to map between sounds and spellings, allowing them to decode written words into their constituent sounds. Phonics skill thus involves being able to split the written word 'cat' into the phonemes /k/, /a/, /t/, and to map from letter 'c' to phoneme /k/, from letter 'a' to phoneme /ae/ and from letter 't' to phoneme /t/. Decoding skill is useful when reading unfamiliar words which use regular spelling sequences.

This book was published 2011 by Brilliant Publications .

This book is in the following series:

How to Sparkle

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