Echange 2 is the second part of a new KS3 French course that reflects all the requirements of the KS3 MFL Framework. Echange 1 is aimed at Year 7, Echange 2 at Year 8 and Echange 3 at Year 9 respectively. Part 1 is in single-book format (with differentiated Workbooks and further support and extension material in the back of the Students' Book). From Part 2 onwards there are differentiated Students' Books, Workbooks, Teacher's Books, Resource and Assessment files, CDs and cassettes. The En plus levels is for higher ability students and the Encore level is for lower ability students. This fully-integrated course includes the following components for Part 1: Students' Book, 2x Workbooks (Encore and En plus); Teacher's Book, Resource & Activity Pack, CDs, Cassettes, Flashcards, OHT file, Echange Integrale (ICT component) and Echange website. For Parts 2 and 3 there are the following components: 2x Students' Books (Encore and En plus); 2x Workbooks (Encore and En plus)' 2x Teacher's Books (Encore and En plus); 2x Resource and Activity Packs (Encore and En plus); 2x CDs and cassettes (Encore and En plus); 2 x OHT files (Encore and En plus); Flashcards and Echange Integrale (ICT component). The Echange Encore Workbook contains one page of activities for each Students' Book spread (reading and writing activities), the unit vocabulary list , one page of grammar per unit, one page of practice of various points per unit, and a Je sais...checklist per unit.
This book is suitable for Key Stage 3. KS3 covers school years 7, 8 and 9, and ages 12-14 years. A key stage is any of the fixed stages into which the national curriculum is divided, each having its own prescribed course of study. At the end of each stage, pupils are required to complete standard assessment tasks.
There are 64 pages in this book. This book was published 2005 by Oxford University Press .