Life as a Knight | TheBookSeekers

Life as a Knight


No. of pages 112

Published: 2015


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As a knight in medieval Europe, you are sworn to uphold honor and protect the innocent. You bravely face dangerous battles, equipped only with your armor, sword, and superior fighting skills. Will you: Travel from France to the holy city of Jerusalem as part of the Crusades? Serve at the side of English King Edward III during the Hundred Years' War? Battle for your way of life in Germany during the Peasants' War?


This book features in the following series: Warriors, You Choose-You Choose-Warriors .

There are 112 pages in this book. This book was published 2015 by Capstone Global Library Ltd .

Rachael Hanel has written several nonfiction books for children, in addition to essays and news and magazine articles. Many of her books have focused on history and social studies. She has a bachelor's degree in journalism and history and a master's degree in history from Minnesota State University, Mankato. She works as a writer, college instructor, and university administrator from her home base of Madison Lake, Minnesota.

This book is in the following series:

You Choose-You Choose-Warriors


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