No. of pages 32
Published: 2016
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You can learn a lot from what archaeologists and historians have uncovered about the past, but what would the people who actually lived at the time be able to tell you? Meet the Ancient Romans does just that! This book will transport you to the capital of the Roman Empire, Rome!. A city where you will meet all kinds of people from all walks of life. Senators, slaves, gladiators and soldiers will answer your questions and give you the inside information of what it may have been like to live at this time, before you are then transported back to your own era.
Encounters with the Past is a brilliant series designed to shine a light on historical ideas about subjects such as medicine, science, religion, food, magic and society. Perfect for readers aged 9-11 who want a more personal account of these fascinating times.
This book is part of a book series called Encounters With the Past .
There are 32 pages in this book. This book was published 2016 by Hachette Children's Group .
Alex Woolf is a well-known children's non-fiction author, with many books on history to his credit.
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