Brilliant Stories for Assemblies | TheBookSeekers

Brilliant Stories for Assemblies

Published: 2010

Great for age 7-11 years

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Brilliant Stories for Assemblies contains over 60 stories written by an experienced primary school headteacher and natural storyteller. Paul Urry has the gift of choosing the right words and subject matter to capture pupils' interest and to inspire them. Assemblies range from historical stories and stories from around the world, to religious stories and moral stories, including bullying, birth of a sibling, racism and disability. The stories can be used at specific times of the year, when issues arise, or whenever you are suddenly called upon to do an assembly! Many can also be adapted for class assemblies or for different key stages. Each story ends with suggested questions, which can easily be rewritten as prayers.


This book was published 2010 by Brilliant Publications .

Paul Urry is a headteacher at Plodder Lane Primary School in Bolton, England.

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