National Geographic Readers Starters Set | TheBookSeekers

National Geographic Readers Starters Set

National Geographic Readers

Published: 2018

Great for age 7-11 years

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National Geographic Primary Readers is a high-interest series of beginning reading books that have been developed in consultation with education experts. The books pair magnificent National Geographic photographs with lively text by skilled children's book authors across four reading levels.

This Set contains all 40 readers. There are 10 readers for each level:

Level 1: Early reader
These books contain simple sentences and are just right for kids who can decode with ease and are beginning to read fluently. They are ideal for readers of Yellow and Blue banded books.

Level 2: Becoming fluent
These books are a good match for kids who are developing reading stamina and enjoy a longer book. They are ideal for readers of Green, Orange and Turquoise books.

Level 3: Becoming independent
Best suited to kids who are ready for complex sentences and more challenging vocabulary, but still draw on occasional support from adults. They are ideal for readers of Purple and Gold books.

Level 4: Independent reader
Perfect for kids who are reading on their own with ease and are ready for more challenging vocabulary with varied sentence structures. They are ideal for readers of White and Lime books.


This book is part of a book series called National Geographic Readers .

This book is aimed at children in primary school. This book is part of a reading scheme, meaning that it is a book aimed at children who are learning to read. This reading book uses the phonics method. This approach concentrates on teaching children how to map between sounds and spellings, allowing them to decode written words into their constituent sounds. Phonics skill thus involves being able to split the written word 'cat' into the phonemes /k/, /a/, /t/, and to map from letter 'c' to phoneme /k/, from letter 'a' to phoneme /ae/ and from letter 't' to phoneme /t/. Decoding skill is useful when reading unfamiliar words which use regular spelling sequences.

This book was published 2018 by HarperCollins Publishers .

National Geographic Kids collaborates to put forth fun and interesting non-fiction for kids.

This book is in the following series:

National Geographic Readers

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