No. of pages 48
Published: 2011
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100 Facts Venom is bursting with exactly 100 awesome facts, mind-blowing images and fun activities to help children learn everything they need to know about the ferocious world of venomous creatures.
100 Facts Venom includes key topics about venomous animals in easily-digestible, numbered facts. Information is surrounded by amazing illustrations and photographs that put facts into context for children.
Essential topics covered in 100 Facts Venom:
- The different types of venom and their effects
- Poisonous predators and how they hunt
- Which mammals are surprisingly venomous
Examples of 'I don't believe it' fascinating facts:
- If certain kinds of strong-biting spider were the same size as a human, their sharp, deadly fangs would be bigger than bananas!
- Death stalker scorpions probably kill at least 5000 people each year. As the sun rises, they often come into cool, shady houses-- just as people are walking around barefoot.
- If a Gila monster lizard bites, it usually hangs on so hard that the only way to loosen its grip is to put the whole lizard underwater.
Activities to make learning accessible and interactive include:
- Match spiders with the places they are from
- Guess which mammals make venom with their elbows
- Create your own killer creature using body parts from different animals in this book
Author: Steve Parker
Consultant: Camilla de la Bedoyere
Pages: 48
Age: 7+
Dimensions: 9 X 12
Format: Paperback with holographic foil
ISBN: 9781848104761
This book is part of a book series called 100 Facts .
There are 48 pages in this book. This book was published 2011 by Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd .
This book is in the following series: