My Mum and the Green-eyed Monster | TheBookSeekers

My Mum and the Green-eyed Monster

My Mum

No. of pages 160

Published: 2006

Great for age 12-18 years

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Kate's family life is never straightforward. Her parents have engaged a new French au pair, Belle, who is lovely but lazy and soon has all the local boys at her command. Kate's mum, struggling with young twins, appears withdrawn and depressed. Kate's boyfriend, Chas, has new problems of his own. In her new novel Meg Harper again displays her gift for pacy comic writing with a serious touch. We follow Kate's emotional roller-coaster ride through the latest batch of family troubles from which she emerges ultimately unscathed and a little wiser.


This book is part of a book series called My Mum .

There are 160 pages in this book. This book was published 2006 by Lion Hudson Plc .

Meg Harper, author of the My Mum series), No More School and Cyberpest.

This book is in the following series:

My Mum

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