Three Bears Of The Pacific Northwest | TheBookSeekers

Three Bears Of The Pacific Northwest


No. of pages 32

Published: 2012


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When a small blue teddy bear falls out of a moving recreational vehicle in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest, two native bears-Black Bear and Brown Bear-agree to help reunite Blue Bear with his family. The bears only know that Blue Bear's boy lives in a "shiny silver box with wheels." Down the mountains, through the forests, and across the saltwater, the three bears encounter eagles, seals, skunks, and many other Pacific Northwest animals along their way. This is a charming story with a happy ending and no Goldilocks. The book features Jeremiah Trammel's beautiful oil-painted illustrations, which are sure to engage children and parents alike. Marcia and Richard Vaughan write children's books separately and collaboratively. Marcia has written more than sixty children's books in Australia and the United States. Richard is the author of more than twenty children's books. Marcia and Richard live in Vashon Island, WA.


There are 32 pages in this book. This book was published 2012 by Sasquatch Books .

Marcia Crews has written more than 100 children's books in Australia and the United States. She lives in Tacoma, WA. Richard Vaughan is the author of more than 20 children's books, including Eagle Boy. He lives in San Marcos, CA.

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