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volume 3, Smith High

No. of pages 272

Published: 2013

Great for age 12-18 years

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"Fans of Meg Cabot will find Marni's voice equally charming and endearing." --Julie Kagawa, New York Times bestselling authorI take no prisoners. . .I'm Chelsea Halloway and I will happily destroy your social life if you mess with me. Just ask anyone. There is no situation I can't handle. Divorcing parents? No problem. An ex-boyfriend who wants to date Smith High School's biggest geek instead of me? Just a matter of time before I can make him see reason. At least, until my parents decide to ship me off on a study abroad trip to Cambodia. . .Now instead of being admired as the queen of the Notables, I'm stuck with a bunch of college students who don't take me seriously, and a professor who accidentally landed himself on the wrong side of a drug lord. And it's up to me to get us all out of the country alive--even the annoying jerk with the green eyes who won't stop calling me "princess." Oh yeah, what could possibly go wrong?


This is volume 3 in Smith High .

There are 272 pages in this book. This book was published 2013 by Kensington Publishing .

Marni Bates is a freshman at Lewis & Clark College. She wrote her first novel, That's Debatable, between filling out college applications and is currently looking for an agent. She loves writing and hopes to do it professionally throughout her life. Marni was recommended for this series by the The Oregon Writing Project at Willamette University.

This book is in the following series:

Smith High

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