The Book Thief | TheBookSeekers

The Book Thief


No. of pages 552

Published: 2013

Great for age 12-18 years

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This book has been graded for interest at 12-17 years.

There are 552 pages in this book. This book was published 2013 by Turtleback Books .

MARKUS ZUSAK is the bestselling author of six novels, including THE BOOK THIEF. His books have been translated into more than forty languages, to both popular and critical acclaim. He lives in Sydney with his wife and two children. Find Markus on his blog www. zusakbooks. com Facebook /markuszusak Instagram @markuszusak . Trudy White was born in Melbourne, and as an adult has lived in lots of different suburbs around the inner city. She studied art and design at Box Hill TAFE, then went on to art school and majored in painting. She started writing stories and producing hand-made story books during her Bachelor of Arts degree. After art school, she kept making pictures and writing and doing further study, including painting, beekeeping, plant science and writing. Now she shares a studio with two other artists in an old building right in the middle of Melbourne. All nine floors are occupied by painters, designers, hat makers, jewellers, writers, fashion designers - plus a couple of private eyes!Trudy rides her bicycle into the studio every day, but when she's not working Trudy likes wandering around looking at buildings and gardens, going to the beach, reading books and seeing friends. Her formerly stray cat, Gogo, likes to sleep on her pillow, next to her head.

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