Nate the Great Detective Stories
Published: 2009
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This book is part of a book series called Nate the Great Detective Stories .
This book has been graded for interest at 6-9 years. This book is part of a reading scheme, meaning that it is a book aimed at children who are learning to read.
This book was published 2009 by Yearling Books .
Mitchell Sharmat, a graduate of Harvard University, has written numerous picture books, easy readers, and novels, and was a contributor to many textbook reading programs. He was best known for the classic Gregory, the Terrible Eater , which was a Reading Rainbow Feature Selection and a New York Times Critics' Pick. In Mitchell's honor, The Sharmat Collection displaying the books he wrote, was established at the Harvard Graduate School of Education by the Monroe C. Gutman Library. Renee Kurilla is an illustrator of many books for kids, including Orangutanka: A Story in Poems by Margarita Engle, The Owls of Blossom Wood by Catherine Coe, and the Ada Lace Adventure series by Emily Calandrelli. She lives just south of Boston with her husband, their fluffy orange cat, Timmy, and their spiky hedgehog, Lemon. Visit her at Kurillastration. com.