Learning About the Bible | TheBookSeekers

Learning About the Bible

Learning About


No. of pages 32

Published: 2002

Great for age 4-9 years

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This simple book is accessible to the young reader of any or no faith and is designed to give them a basic understanding of a key topic of the Christian faith: the Bible. With simple captions, the pictures convey the basic information. The extension text is typically only 60-80 words per double page spread, giving a word total for each book of 1200-1500.


This book is part of a book series called Learning About .

There are 32 pages in this book. This book was published 2002 by Lion Hudson Plc .

Authors and illustrators include Lois Rock, Bob Hartman, Christina Goodings, Mig Holder, Alex Ayliffe, Christina Balit and Helen Cann. Lois Rock has established an international reputation as a children's writer. Specializing in Bible stories, prayer books, and information books, her books have been translated into over 30 languages with sales approaching 4 million copies. She draws on her experience as a mother of three, and as a leader of church children's groups. MAUREEN GALVANI trained at Winchester College of Art and now works as a freelance illustrator. She has worked on numerous books, as well as greetings cards and children's jigsaw puzzles and games.

This book is in the following series:

Learning About

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